D-A-S-H Ministry: Drugs, Alcohol, Set free Heaven bound Ministry. We are a detox ministry that tells people that only Jesus can break the chains of addiction.

Below is the acronym for the Word Dash
D – Drugs
A – Alcohol
S – Set Free
H – Heaven bound
This ministry is to help those with addictions. DASH Ministry got their start from Celebrate Recovery. It is ran by Randy & Wanda Burke of Bristol, VA. I got to meet both Randy & Wanda at the 2014 Unity Festival in White Pine, TN. They were great to talk to and listen to them share about their ministry.
For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. James 4:14 (B)
Also feel free to check out my blog post entitled The Dashed Line! It is What Counts! There ministry stood out to me, because just about a month after I posted that blog entry, I saw their ministry at the 2014 Unity Festival. I even got a black bracelet with “D-A-S-H Ministry” on it. This festival was back in May of 2014. As I am writing this blog post, it is toward the end of July 2014 and I am still wearing it.
“Our calling is to reach out to those who are caught up in an addiction and to show them there is hope for a changed life through Jesus Christ.”
The Burke’s go to area events and such to help promote their ministry and raise awareness to those with addictions that there is help. They said they try to go to an even every weekend to share their ministry.
If you have a problem with addiction from drugs, Alcohol, etc. Please get in touch D-A-S-H Ministry. They offer assistance in a loving, non-judgement way. They help you break the chains by helping you find that Jesus is the one to break those chains.
The Burkes want to help those facing the gates of hell to reach the gates of Heaven. They hope to show the grace and mercy of God to those who need it. They offer training through the Celebrating Recovery.
The Burkes actively serve at Rosedale Baptist and with the TRASH Ministry. They are partnered with the Billy Graham Rapid Recovery Chaplaincy ministry. They also minister at the Northeast Correctional Complex in Mountain City, TN. Plus to the Southwest Regional Jail in Abingdon, VA. Plus chaplaincy training at the The Cove (Billy Graham’s Training Center).
They have many endorsements and partnerships some of these include:
- Amanda Sexton – President of Healing to the Hills
- Mark A. Mitchell – Lebanon Chief of Police
- Lloyd Sheets – Director of the Laurels
- Steve Ray – Board member of We Care Russell County
- Stee Dye – Sheriff of Russell County
They also participate in bike rides and functions. So please go and check out this great ministry. A ministry I would say that is hard to do, but God called them to help change the lives of these people with addictions and help break their chains.
Speaking of breaking chains, a song comes to my mind by Chris Tomlin called Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone).
Also a movie that I recommend you watch is Home Run. It is a Christian faith-based film about a man struggling with an addiction.
I had the pleasure of running into Randy and Wanda Burke of D-A-S-H Ministry on July 5, 2015. They were in town, saw me post about being invited to Piedmont Baptist and decided to visit with us. It was great to have them fellowship with us at church.
For more information visit their web site at: dashministry.org or their Facebook Page at: facebook.com/pages/DASH-Ministry
You can also reach them at 276-698-8686 or 276-698-4832.
You can write them at P.O. Box 16794, Bristol, VA 24209.
First published July 25, 2014. Republishing with revisions July 5, 2015. Sources from what they told me plus information sheets given to me by Randy and Wanda Burke for D-A-S-H Ministry.
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