COVID-19 Baby boom, Coronavirus baby boom, pandemic baby boom, quarantined baby boom however you want to call it we will see an increase of childbirth. #BabyBoom
COVID-19 Baby Boom

With all of the quarantines, stay at home orders, safer at home orders and even shelter in place many couples are staying home more and that could lead to what couples do …
… sex. And let’s not forget that it’s meant only between holy matrimony between a man and a woman in marriage to each other.
👶 🍼
In about 9 Months we will see an increase in childbirths. (December 2020 to February 2021).
What’s interesting to his news now is reporting that the coronavirus can live inside of the male semen. And at this time it’s really unclear if it can be transmitted sexually. Or even pass down to the baby. Or at least any reports known yet or that there are mentioning. (If anyone has any updates on us feel free to share.)
Might call them the Coronians just kidding
The current generation is called Gen Z (1995-Current). Prior to that is the millennial’s are also known as Gen Y (1980-1994). I’m actually part of the Gen X (1965-1979). Prior that was the baby boomers (1944-1964) which my parents are part of.
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