Commuter Kate’s Tips On Public Transit Etiquette – Americans take about 11 billion trips on public transportation every year. The next time you’re among them, consider these 10 tips on proper etiquette from blogger Commuter Kate.
Commuter Kate’s Tips On Public Transit Etiquette
I remember as a young child having to take the K-Trans Buses in Knoxville. They are now known as the KAT Buses. (Knoxville Area Transit). I remember most of these from being a child riding the bus system. My mom still gets around Knoxville by the bus system to this day. That is why i wanted to share these public transit etiquette tips with my readers.

- Stow your stuff. Put your bag between your feet so everyone has a bit more space. If the floor is wet or sticky, wear your bag forward so you’re at least more aware of it.
- Stand up for courtesy. If you’re sitting in a reserved seat and an elderly, infirm or pregnant person gets on, get up. Someday, you may need one of those seats yourself.
- Poles are for everyone. Don’t hog them. It’s not nice and not safe.
- Let ’em off. Let people get off the bus or train before you get on. Stand back from the door and patiently wait for the exiting passengers to disembark. It actually makes for a faster off/on boarding process.
- Public transit confusion? For just about any city you’re in or transit line you’re on, public transit directions are only a smartphone app away. Moovit, the app, boasts the widest coverage and most accurate transit data in the world, including 2,200 cities in 80 countries and 44 languages. This means you can ride transit confidently and, in some cities, even know where the best exits are. This way, you won’t hold anyone up by stopping to look at the map or scrambling to find the exit.
- You’re not at home. Don’t eat, put on makeup or trim your nails. Sit in one seat with your feet on the floor. And guys—avoid manspreading.
- Entrances, exits and escalators. If you need a card or ticket for the turnstile, have it out and ready to insert or swipe. On escalators, if people walk up one side, don’t stand two abreast.
- Nothing beats a good night’s sleep. But if you missed it and fall asleep on transit, avoid falling onto the person next to you.
- Look up from your phone once in a while. You shouldn’t need to keep staring at the map the whole trip. Moovit lets you know when your stop is coming up so you can get lost in a good book, rather than lost on your journey.
- Speaking of the phone, don’t talk on it. Enough said.
Learn More
For further facts and tips, check out and @Commuter_Kate on Twitter.
Press Release from NAPSNET & Commuter Kate.
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