CEO Christians

While scrolling on Facebook I saw KJ-52 a Christian band, posted a picture of a church sign that they claimed was near their hotel.

This church sign is from Messiah Lutheran Church, not sure the location of this church or when they took this picture. I knew I had to share with my readers when I saw this church sign. Below is how their church sign reads …

Easter is over see you at Christmas Sunday 9:30 AM

Messiah Lutheran Church: at church sign that reads Easter is over see you at Christmas Sunday 9:30 AM
Messiah Lutheran Church: a church sign that reads Easter is over see you at Christmas Sunday 9:30 AM

Its sad but true but most Christians only go to church about 2 times a year. That would be Christmas and Easter.

Makes me wonder after Christmas if they change their church sign to read Christmas is over see you at Easter Sunday 9:30 am.

I’ve heard a saying from my pastor saying CEO Christians. A CEO Christians is an acronym for Christmas Easter Only and I recently seen someone say Christmas Easter Observers. It is sad that the only time a lot of people go to church is at Christmas or Easter time, they go very rarely. I pray that we, as believers, stay in fellowship within a Bible-believing, Bible-preaching church.

I encourage you to find a bible-believing Bible preaching church and go regularly. I also encourage you to serve in the church. Use your talent as a gift and glorify God with it.

What do you think about this church sign? Have you seen a church sign that read something similar? Please feel free to share your comments below.
First published April 29, 2014. Republishing April 6, 2015.

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4 thoughts on “Church Sign for CEO Christians

  1. If you are the type to only go a few times a year, you may want to sit down and reflect to see if you truly are saved. I believe if you are truly saved you will want to fellowship with other believers, I also believe you will want to server in the church as well, not just observe.

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