VOTD March 3 – “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.” Matthew 7:15 NASB
Category: Wolves

I discuss what I believe to be the scariest and the saddest words in the Bible. #bgbg2 #bible

You ever hear the saying watch out for Wolves in Sheep Clothing? I am sure you have. It is made clear we need to watch out for them. They will fool many!

Animals Bible Church Fear God Holy Spirit Jesus Christ Men of the Bible Notes Saul Sermon Notes Sheep Study Theology Wolves Women of the Bible Worship
Bold for Christ
I talk about having boldness to share Jesus. Being Bold for Christ.

Have you heard about the two wolves that live inside each and everyone one of us? They fight daily within us. One is a good wolf and the other is a bad wolf. So which one do you think will win? Find out in this blog post.