Shai Linne: The Theologian Rapper Spreading Truth through Hip-Hop – In the ever-evolving world of music, artists continually emerge with unique talents and messages to captivate audiences. One such artist is Shai Linne, a theologian rapper who has seamlessly merged his love for theology and hip-hop, creating a distinct and powerful voice within the music industry. With his thought-provoking lyrics and profound understanding of Scripture, Shai Linne has established himself as a trailblazer, challenging the norms and spreading truth through his captivating Lyrical Theology music. #ShaiLinne
Category: Shai Linne

Expository Preaching by Shai Linne with Lryics. He gave pastors the call to ministry found in 2 Timothy 4:1-2 #ExpositoryPreaching #ShaiLinne

Biblical Theology by Shai Linne – including the lyrics and a music video for this song off the album The Church Called & Collected. #ShaiLinne #BiblicalTheology

The Glory of God by Shai Linne – Video and lyrics to the song The Glory of God (Not to Us). God be the Glory Alone. #ShaiLinne

10 Christian Bands You May Not Have Heard About! Some of these Christian bands are Indie type music artist. #ChristianMusic #ChristianBands

Church Discipline by Stephen the Levite Music Video and Lyrics – If a brother or sister offends you talk to ’em if the issue is in scripture then walk through ’em if they still ain’t listenin’ bring witnesses prayin’ the evidence of the 2 or 3 is convincing, if it still doesn’t work, take it to the church the Lord’s official spiritual judicial system on earth. #ChurchDiscipline #StephentheLevite

This is an unofficial music video for the song C-h-r-i-s-t by Shai Linne, Christian Rapper. Christ created all things, right? (Yeah!) Lord of Lords, King … #ShaiLinne