A Double Scouting Holiday. February 8, 2015. Scout Sunday & Anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America.
Category: Scouting

I share a tip on how to Prevent Food From Getting Soggy In a Cooler, for when you go on that next trip with the youth, church or family and you have food and a cooler.

Carl Williams Cross Collection, a huge collection of crosses, located in a museum in Williamsburg, KY.

July 3, 2014 marks my 20th year of being an Eagle Scout. I talk about being an Eagle Scout. #Eagle #EagleScout #BoyScouts #BSA

It is sad to see the USA Soccer fans disrespecting our American Flag. Dragging it on the ground, writing their city on it in marker, and more. #USA #AmericanFlag

I mention about Ripley’s Aquarium of the Smokies and how you can incorporate a Bible story, perhaps the Creation story. #Aquarium #Creation #Ripleys #Gatlinburg

God: The Basis Behind Scouting, I attained my rank of Eagle in 1994.
Inspires me
Who inspires me, Steve Patterson. These people inspire me and why. Check out this blog entry.

Fruit of the Spirit: Kindness. Another part of the Fruit of the Spirit is Kindness. This blog entry talks about kindness. How many times does kindness appear in the Bible?

The Journey – Deny Yourself and Take Up Your Cross. While on my way home I passed a young man carrying a cross. I stopped and got to talk to this young man, Junior Garcia. See my post about my experience when I meet him taking up his cross.

Camp Ba-Yo-Ca a Christian Camp and my experiences at this Christian camp. Camp Ba-Yo-Ca is located in East Tennessee.

To Succeed you need the 3 D’s. Read my post to find out what those three D’s are.
If you were a Boy Scout growing up in the Great Smoky Mountain Council and going camping to Camp Pellissippi you may remember the story of Pellissippi Pete. #PellissippiPete
I talk about goal setting. Some experience I had with goal setting and some goals that I had.

Talk about the 100th Anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America. Even some of my experiences in Scouting. 1810 to 1910 #BoyScouts

In this blog post I talk about my great accomplishment becoming an Eagle Scout. I share about my experience in that too. #EagleScout #BoyScout