This is the Police Officers Prayer #Police #PoliceOfficer #Prayer #PoliceOfficersPrayer (Lord I ask for courage. Courage to face and
Category: Printables

How to Fold the Finger Puzzle you printed from Courageous Christian Father. I give instructions on how to fold these free printables. #FingerPuzzle

Stay-At-Home Spring Printables for Kids – Here are some free printables for your children to do while they are staying at home.

The Legend of the Sand Dollar Printable – This is a printable of The Legend of the Sand Dollar. This is usually heard around Easter and Christmas on how the sand dollar represents Christ.

The Penny Challenge – Here is a challenge about worship using a penny that you will carry in your hand for one day. You cannot put it down or away. Are you up for this challenge? (Printable version included) #PennyChallenge

20 Reasons When to Keep Your Mouth Shut – Don’t Open Your Mouth! Includes Bible verses too! Whosoever keepeth his mouth and his tongue, keepeth his soul. Plus a free printable version!

Twas the Night Before Jesus Came – Below is a good poem I heard my mom talking about, so I looked it up and wanted to share it with my readers. One thing is clear, Christ is coming and He is coming soon! Are you ready? Plus a free printable.

Free Christmas Printables – Here some FREE Christmas Printables for you to download and printout for free.

Legend of the Candy Cane. Ever what the candy cane is symbolic of? What the colors mean and why it is shaped like the letter J and the shepherd’s staff. Now with a Printable Version! #CandyCane #CandyMakersWitness #Christmas

Tips for preparing to cook your turkey for Thanksgiving. A good entertainment plan that saves time and money is something to be truly thankful for. With the right plan, all that cooks will need to do on Thanksgiving Day is put dishes into the oven and remove them when they are done. A few hints from professional chef Jim Coleman can help you save money while affording you more time to spend with your guests. Now with a free printable version! #Turkey #Thanksgiving #TurkeyTips #Recipe

Multiplication Building Blocks Printable – a free math printable for your children to print out and do multiplication. #MathPrintable #MultiplicationPrintable

What’s the Difference Printable – a free printable for your child to print out and find what is different.

Counting Stars Patterns Printable – Here is a free math printable for your children to print out and do. #CountingPrintable

Dots Tic Tac Toe Printable – a Free printable for the Dots Game and also Tic Tac Toe. #Dots #TicTacToe

I Spy Printable – A Free I Spy printable for the kids. Just print and let the kids find the images in the printable. #ISpy

Neighborhood Bingo Printable – A Free bingo printable to do in teams of 4 in your neighborhood. #Bingo #NeighborhoodBingo

Battleship Word Attack Printable – a Free word attack printable plays like the classic Battleship game.

Mystery Island VBS Bingo Printable – Here is a VBS Bingo Printable to with the Answers in Genesis Mystery Island VBS.

Concrete & Cranes Bingo VBS Printable – Here is a fun bingo printable that goes with the Lifeway’s Concrete & Cranes VBS.

Birthday Finger Puzzle – a Free Finger Puzzle great for that birthday party. #BirthdayPrintable #Birthday #FingerPuzzle (Birthday Cootie Catcher)