The Rotten Pear and the Good Pear: The Contagious Influence of Wrong Associations – In the journey of faith, our associations and relationships play a significant role in shaping our character and influencing our spiritual growth. Just as a rotten pear can cause a good pear to spoil, being too close to the wrong people can have a similar effect on our lives as Christians. In this blog post, we will explore the powerful analogy of the rotten pear and the good pear, highlighting the dangers of negative associations and the importance of choosing our companions wisely.
Category: Influencer

Influencing the World for Jesus Christ: A Christian’s Call to Be an Influencer – In a world driven by social media and the pursuit of influence, Christians are called to step up and become influencers for Jesus Christ. Being an influencer in the digital age goes beyond the realms of likes, comments, and shares. It is an opportunity to share the transformative power of the Gospel, inspire positive change, and bring glory to God. Let us explore how we can embrace this calling and make a lasting impact in the