Watch this video and notice that it will show Happy Birthday Jesus. This was at Farris Motor Company in Jefferson City, TN on December 25, 2014.
Category: Holidays

Use a Live Christmas Tree and also I share of ways we can use the Christmas Tree to bring Christ honor too. #LiveChristmasTrees

Patterson Post 2014: This is 2014’s Patterson Post Christmas Newsletter. This years edition is a Christmas Comic theme. Check it out. My family does a Christmas Newsletter each year instead of Christmas Cards.

Saving Christmas was not what I thought it would be. This film was more of a documentary. The beginning of the movie, I thought was very odd. The most of the movie, it was Kirk talking to his brother-in-law, in this movie about Christmas. His brother has this one idea that we shouldn’t have a Christmas Tree, we shouldn’t have this or that put up. Kirk talks to him and explains things to him in a Biblical view. Kirk explains to Him about the true Santa Claus, he was Saint

The Christmas Story, a production done by the Biblical Times Dinner Theater in Pigeon Forge, TN. I visited and placing a review of this production and the food.

It’s Not About You, Mr. Santa Claus – This is a book review of a child’s Christian book that was just released in 2014 about the true meaning of Christmas. #christmas

This is a Music Video from Bone Prophet, a Christian based artist. Here is he is performing at Mama’s Karaoke, at a Battle of Bands. This is for the song “Mostly Sunday”

Tennessee Sales Tax Holiday, this is a holiday where they forgive the tax on certain items needed for school like clothes, school supplies and computers.

My daughter and I dress up like cows for Cow Appreciation Day. We visit Chick-fil-A and get our free meal! I even share our picture. #CowAppreciationDay

Blessed is the Nation, this church sign in Alpha, TN area comes from Psalms. Check out that it says about Blessed is the Nation. #ChurchSigns

Living Waters presents Noah and the Last Days. It is a documentary about Noah, the end of times and even gives the Good Person Test to people. Check this out. Don’t go see the new movie Noah that Hollywood put out by an atheist director who knowingly made it secular with no mention of God. #Noah

See what Emmanuel Baptist Church in Jefferson City, TN says about Daylight Savings time and what Jesus Changes. #EmmanuelBaptistChurch

Download your Free 2014 Calendar in pdf format. So you can print it out on your own printer. This is a free gift from Courageous Christian Father.

This is my short movie review for the movie “Just Where I Belong” it was also entitled “The Christmas Bunny”. #JustWhereIBelong #ChristmasBunny
Inspires me
Who inspires me, Steve Patterson. These people inspire me and why. Check out this blog entry.
Why I started to blog
I share in this blog entry why I started to blog. Courageous Christian Father is a blog ministry and I figured I would share why I started.

The 11th issue of Patterson Post. Totally redesigned. This is our annual Christmas newsletter. This years deals with various winter Holidays such as Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Christmas Prayer, Eggnog Snowflakes Recipe, and more.

How to Get the most money out of your garage sale with these retail tricks – It is that time of year again, garage sales and yard sales, etc. So why not share some tips and tricks to have a successful one? #GarageSale

Talk about the 100th Anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America. Even some of my experiences in Scouting. 1810 to 1910 #BoyScouts

Square Root Day – What is square root day? When is square root day?