The church cannot be the salt of the earth if it keeps sugar-coating the gospel. With the world hungry for authenticity and genuine connection, the analogy of the church as the “salt of the earth” takes on profound significance. The idea behind this metaphor is that, just as salt enhances the flavor of food, the church should enrich and preserve the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
Category: Gospel

Deck of Cards Gospel Presentation – You can use a deck of playing cards to share the gospel. Along with Bible verses too. Including a Free Printable version!

KBC Evangelism Milestone Award 2020 – The Kentucky Baptist Convention (KBC) named Pastor Allen Bonnell of Immauel Baptist Church of Corbin for this award. #EvangelismMilestoneAward

Risking your life for the gospel or living the high life for the gospel – Are you willing to risk your life for the gospel, to die sharing Jesus or live the high life. Risking your life for the gospel or living the high life for the gospel We are all called to share the gospel. That means even if it could mean our life on Earth is over. There is no greater love, than one who dies for another. In short, we risk our lives so others can have

Many are troubled because the gospel interferes with their sin. Charles Spurgeon

Gospel Acronym Printable – Here is a Christian acronym for the word Gospel. I even made it into a free printable too.

Main Reason to share the gospel – I share with you what I believe is the main reason we should share the gospel to others.

The Word of the Week by Justin Breeden, unadulterated truth of the Word of God to be proclaimed, this week is about Gospel Compromise. #WordoftheWeek #WOTW

The Word of the Week by Justin Breeden, unadulterated truth of the Word of God to be proclaimed, this week is The Viability of the Gospel. #WordoftheWeek #WOTW

How to Use Paper to Share the Gospel with Two Demonstration Videos on how to use a piece of paper and cutting it to form shapes and letters.

Gospel is a declaration not a debate – This is a church sign is from Wooddale Free Will Baptist Church in Strawberry Plains, TN.