Calling Tennessee to Vote Yes on 1 to help save lives. What is yes on 1? Why should I vote Yes on 1? #yeson1tn
Category: Death

Steve’s Christian review of the 2014 Movie, Left Behind Movie. Plus I share the trailer to this movie. #leftbehind

Quick Guide: #X (Pound X) Before You Drive so others will know What is #X? Do you use #X? Has someone sent you #X? Find out about #X. #PoundX #StoptheText

This blog post done in the memory of Truett Cathy, founder/owner of Chick-fil-A, #chickfila #TruettCathy

This is a lyric music video for the song “Afterlife” by Switchfoot. I also include the lyrics of the song in this blog post. #Afterlife #Switchfoot

Imagine your home being painted with ن (the Arabic letter for “N”) The first letter of the Arabic word for Christian, “Nasrani” or Nazarene.

This is the sermon from Greg Laurie and my notes from his sermon entitled “What the Devil Doesn’t Want You to Know.”

Death happens
Death happens it is part of life. Why must we die? What happens when we die? I write a blog post about death and it being a part of life.

An inmate survives death row twice is this the hand of God? Is this story true? If the story is true then what? If it’s not how do you know?

Premarital Biblical Counseling
Premarital Biblical Counseling, a must before you think about tying the knot, about get married.

Heaven is For Real Movie Review
This blog entry contains the review of the movie, Heaven is for Real. Is Colton’s vision of heaven what heaven truly is like or is it just that a vision? #HeavenIsForRealMovie #HeavenIsForReal #Heaven

What is it about your dashed line on your tombstone that really counts? What does that dashed line mean? What can you do during that time?

feeding and starving – Check out what Oak Grove Missionary Baptist Church says what you need to feed and what you should starve to death. #ChurchSigns

God’s Not Dead translated in a variety of different languages. To help spread the God’s Not Dead Movement. #GodsNotDead

I write a small review about Letters to God the movie. How it is also a prayer. I even wrote a letter to God and mailed it. #LettersToGod
If God Isn’t Real Then Why …
My theory of this is if God is not real then why is the world trying to taking Him out of things. If He is not real then there is not need for others to …

Jesus died for a reason – This church sign from Jefferson City Assembly of God tells you why Jesus died. Check out what it says.

Greenhill Baptist Church in Dandridge, TN their church sign read the next time the devil reminds you of your past, remind him of his future. Past and Future