When I Don’t Desire God: How to Fight for Joy by John Piper – This book offers a profound and transformative perspective on the pursuit of joy, drawing from his deep theological insights and personal experiences. In this blog post, we’ll explore the key themes and insights from this thought-provoking book that has the power to revolutionize how we approach joy and desire in our lives. #JohnPiper
Category: Christian Books

The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis – C.S. Lewis, one of the most renowned Christian thinkers of the 20th century, gifted us with a unique and thought-provoking masterpiece titled The Screwtape Letters. Published in 1942, this captivating book takes readers on a journey through the cunning world of demonic temptation, providing a fresh perspective on the age-old battle of good and evil. The Screwtape Letters: A Fascinating Insight into the Battle of Good and Evil Synopsis and Plot Set in the form of letters exchanged between two demons, Screwtape and

I am Restored by LeCrae – LeCrae, a celebrated hip-hop artist and a prominent figure in the Christian music scene, has recently released his highly anticipated autobiographical book, I Am Restored: How I Lost My Religion but Found My Faith. In this powerful memoir, LeCrae takes readers on a deeply personal journey of redemption, vulnerability, and ultimately, finding true restoration in his faith.

The Insanity of Obedience by Nik Ripken – In his groundbreaking book, The Insanity of Obedience, Nik Ripken takes readers on a captivating journey into the depths of faith and sacrifice. Drawing on his years of experience and encounters with persecuted Christians around the world, Ripken challenges the conventional notion of obedience and pushes readers to embrace a radical understanding of what it means to follow Christ.

Through the Eyes of a Lion by Levi Lusko – Levi Lusko’s book, Through the Eyes of a Lion, invites readers on a transformative journey of hope and healing. In this powerful memoir, Lusko shares his personal story of loss, grief, and ultimately, faith.

Letters to the Church by Francis Chan – In his compelling book Letters to the Church, renowned author and speaker Francis Chan offers a thought-provoking call to the Church to examine its heart, purpose, and pursuit of Christ. In a world filled with distractions and diluted versions of Christianity, Chan’s words serve as a wake-up call, urging believers to rediscover the beauty and power of authentic, biblical Christianity.

Have you ever wondered what it truly means to love others? How can we demonstrate love in tangible and extraordinary ways? Look no further than “Love Does” by Bob Goff, a book that will not only inspire you but also challenge you to live a life filled with adventurous love. #LoveDoes

Blessed are the Misfits by Brant Hansen: Embracing Faith for Introverts, Spiritual Strugglers, and Seekers. Where do introverts, spiritual strugglers, and those who feel like they’re missing something fit in? Brant Hansen’s book, “Blessed are the Misfits: Great News for Believers who are Introverts, Spiritual Strugglers, or Just Feel Like They’re Missing Something,” offers a refreshing perspective on faith, embracing the diversity of believers and inviting those who often feel out of place into a deeper understanding of God’s love and grace. In this blog post, we will explore the key themes and insights from Hansen’s book that provide comfort, encouragement, and a sense of belonging to the misfits in the realm of spirituality.

I talk about Fathers, Old TV Show Dads, Earthly Fathers and even our Heavenly Father. What Father do you remember from Television? #OldTVShowDads #TVDads #FathersDay #Dad #Father (Can you name some old tv show dads?)

FREE CHRISTIAN MUSIC – A List of sites to help fill up your iPod, iPhone, iTunes, MP3 player and/or computer with FREE Christian Music. Some times have new songs weekly, while others are one time. What are you waiting for? I also have shared a place to get a free faith-based audiobook each month too. #FreeMusic #Christian #ChristianMusic #Free

I went and met my mom and handed her the InkSpiration Fruit of the Spirit Adult Coloring Book. She was very impressed even saying, “Wow!” #InkSpiration #AdultColoringBook

Knock Knock Go Christian Search Engine
Knock Knock Go Christian Search Engine, a Christian specific search engine to help for Christians who wish to study God’s word be it for personal growth. #KnockKnockGo #KnockKnock #SearchEngine #SEO

It’s Not About You, Mrs. Turkey a children’s christian book about the true meaning of Thanksgiving isn’t a turkey or food. #Thanksgiving

It’s Not About You, Mr. Pumpkin – A Children’s Christian Book about the true origins of Halloween and things often missed in that holiday. #Halloween

This is the ultimate question. You are held gun point. You are asked to denounce your belief in Christ (deny Christ) and you will not be shot, but if you say you you accept Christ and belong to Him, you will be shot. What would you do? Would you admit you belong to Him or would you deny Him?

Don’t know what to give the Christian Father in your life? Check out these 5 gift ideas for that dad in your life for Father’s Day. #FathersDay

God has blessed me so much. Even with this blog ministry, God has blessed me through it too.

It’s Not About You, Mr. Santa Claus – This is a book review of a child’s Christian book that was just released in 2014 about the true meaning of Christmas. #christmas

Calling all those kids of the 80’s and 90’s, who participated in the Book It Club by Pizza Hut. Register as an alumni and get a free personal pan pizza! #bookit

Devotional book review for “31 Days with God for Fathers”.