by Steve Miller
I bought this book it was a book recommended by my pastor. I enjoyed this book and I recommend this book for anyone who is in leadership position at church. Whether you are a Leader, Teacher, Director of children, youth or adults. This book is a must read!
I learned a good bit from this book, but I also like a lot of Spurgeon’s theological beliefs.
I really enjoyed this little green and cream colored book on Spiritual Leadership. I did learn a good bit from reading it. Spurgeon, I believe had a lot of good theological points to what he shared.
I got this book online from Amazon, last year. If you are wanting to be a leader or currently are a leader in the church, I pray and hope that you consider reading this book.
One thing that Spurgeon was big on this book was prayer. Prayer was a focal point in most of this book, I believe. Spurgeon says, “TO pray … is to reach the highest point of Christian health.” If you have a strong prayer life, you will have a strong leadership or ministry.
This book also tells us we must have total trust in Christ, having faith that endures. “Faith is hard because it is easy. It is difficult because there is no difficulty in it. And it seems obscure simple because its so clear.”
Another point in this book is about you’re reputation to those inside and out side of the church. Your actions show and being a leader you are set to a higher stand point.
As a leader we are to serve. It is Not, I but Christ! We also must love His Word. We must want to learn more and study it. The Bible posses the answer to every human need, Spurgeon said.
Another part of being a leader is to suffer. We learn by suffering. It helps to complete us. It helps to teach us and help us grow. It helps us depend on Him more.
All of this and more in this book: C.H. Spurgeon on Spiritual Leadership by Steve Miller. ISBN 080241064-2.
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