Amazing Grace My Chains Are Gone by Chris Tomlin – Music Video
Amazing Grace My Chains Are Gone by Chris Tomlin – Music Video
This music video is of the song by Chris Tomlin. It is 4:28 in length. Tomlin wrote this song for the Motion Picture Amazing Grace. He was asked to make another verse to this song and the end results are great, the chains being gone! Check out this great version of Amazing Grace. It talks about how our Chains are gone and we are set free.
Sin binds us but Christ breaks the chains. I am glad that Christ breaks those chains and frees us from the bondage of sin. I am glad that His amazing grace broke the chains.
This is the chorus to this version of the song.
My chains are gone
I’ve been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy reigns
Unending love, amazing grace
If you want your chains broken, then turn to Jesus! He is the only one that can break those chains, the chains of sin that binds us and keeps us from God. Sin separates us from God.
Click here to listen in YouTube
I first published this November 13, 2012. Republishing this March 5, 2015.