All For Him – AFH

Have you been noticing the AFH little banners, Twibbon (pictured in this blog entry) as it is called, on profile pictures of Twitter users or even maybe on Facebook users? That is from a Ministry called All For Him. A ministry that is geared for youth, the young people.

All For Him Twibbon
All For Him Twibbon

I wanted to share this ministry with my readers. I noticed they were doing a Trend with the hashtag #AllForHim, as I am writing up this article. They started it at 9 PM EDT on July 26, 2013. I was trying to contact him to get a information, but I figured, I would go to his website to pull information to write.

Why is this ministry important that I want to share with my readers? Many of you know I want to be a youth minister or youth director. I help at my church in the youth group. Since this ministry involves youth is dear to me since it helps raise awareness about Jesus Christ using social media. If you have Twitter, check out #AllForHim.


All For Him started in early 2013 by Ryan Wesley Smith (@RyanWesleySmith). It is a movement for the glorification of Jesus Christ. It’s purpose is to see a revival and activation of the gospel in the young generation. This ministry believes the BIble is the inspired Word of God. That there is only one God who comes through the Trinity (Father, Son and the Holy Spirit). They also believe that Jesus Died for your sins and you must ask forgiveness of those sins. They also believe in sharing Christ using social media. Plus more.

What to join All For Him?

You must be between the ages of 13 to 25, which is teenagers to young adults. You must live within the United States and have phone and email access. Most of all you must have a love for God and others.

If you are between those ages, I recommend you help the movement. If you are a parent of a child(ren) I encourage you to encourage your child(ren) to join the movement. Make a difference for Christ in the social media network.

Comments welcome

If you are part of the All For Him, movement I would like to hear from you. Tell me about your experience with it. What do you like about it. Anything else you wish to share. If you are part of the All For Him, feel see to share this blog post on your favorite social network.

More info: or @AllForHim

About the Author

Author: Steve Patterson

A Christian Blogger that enjoys blogging about the Bible, Theology, God, Jesus Christ, Christian Music, Family, Cats, Odd Holidays, sewing and much more. I have been blogging since 2004, however, I have been blogging on Courageous Christian Father since 2012. I enjoy listening to Christian Music. I am married with 1 daughter, 2 step-sons and a step daughter.

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