Alka-Seltzer Christians – These are the ones that get baptized and then they are gone. Plop plop fizz fizz. #AlkaSeltzerChristians
Alka-Seltzer Christians
This term comes out because some of these professing Christians will get baptized and then they are gone. A form of plopped in the water. Then they fizz and you see something. Plop plop fizz fizz. Then they are gone. But honestly, I would have to question if they truly were saved to begin with. Christ makes us a new creation. So if Christ does that, it will stay not fizz out or go away.

Alka-Seltzer Christian n.
1. A churchgoer who attends church on Sunday mornings, showing zeal and emotion during the service, but who has nothing to do with the church all week until the next Sunday. See more information at sense 2 below.
See also *Alka-Seltzer
Baptist; *roman-candle Christian.
• 1981 McGee Thru the Bible Commentary: Matthew 73 : These are what I call Alka-Seltzer Christians. There is a lot of fizz in them. They make as much fuss during a service as a rocket on a launching pad, but they never get into orbit…. They have great zeal and energy during special meetings, but they are like burned out Roman candles after the meetings are over. 1988 Jurjevich The F.O.J. Syndrome in Am. 74 : They could worry less about the Alka Seltzer Christian, the one who goes to church and “fizzes” for an hour on Sunday morning, while the rest of the week he [does nothing at all].
2. A newly baptized convert to Christianity whose initial enthusiasm quickly gives way to uninterest.
The image is of a person being baptized (an antacid tablet being dropped into water) and having a vigorous but short-lived religious zeal (the tablet fizzing and bubbling furiously) before he or she disappears without a trace (the tablet having completely dissolved).
The catchy “Plop Plop Fizz Fizz, Oh What a Relief It Is” television commercial with its familiar jingle first aired in 1979, and Alka-Seltzer Christian appears in print as early as 1981 (see in sense 1 above).
• 1985 Rogers The Secret of Supernatural Living 121 : I call these people, who start out fine and then fade away, “alka-seltzer Christians. 2009 Smith Life-Changing Thoughts 437 : There are a lot of Alka-Seltzer Christians: after they are dropped into water they fizzle for a while and then disappear.
Alka-Seltzer Baptist n. A Baptist variant of *Alka-Seltzer Christian 2.
See also *
cotton-candy Christian.
1985 Hill
Blue Rise 228 : “Are you an Alka-Seltzer Baptist? Put him in the water and he’ll fizz for half a minute?”
2000 Pyle
The Truth About the Christian Life 4 : Someone has well said, “We have too many ‘Alka Seltzer’ Baptists. We put them in water, they fizz a little bit, and disappear.” Which will it be for you, success or failure in the Christian life?
Uses of Alka-Seltzers
Since Alka-Seltzer Christians come and go and are not useful. How about the real product and their useful factors like these listed below.
- Acid indigestion
- Heartburn
- Cleaning House
- Brightening your white clothes
- Cleaning your toilet bowl
- Removing burnt food from glass baking dishes
- Clean thermos
- Alleviating your itchy mosquito bites
- Unclog drains
- Clean Dentures & Retainers
- All purpose cleaner
- Treat Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
- Deodorize The Fridge
- Clean & Deodorize A Cooler
- Restore Stained Plastic Containers
- Polish Your Jewelry
- Clean Your Coffee Maker
- Narrow containers that is hard to clean
- Catch fish
- Might help you quit smoking
- Muscle Cramps
- Aid for a rocket launcher
- Build lava lamps
- And more!
This list is comprises of many sites and what they claim the product can do. Consult your doctor before using as medical purposes. You might want to use caution for using for cleaning or other purposes.
About the Author
A Christian Blogger that enjoys blogging about the Bible, Theology, God, Jesus Christ, Christian Music, Family, Cats, Odd Holidays, sewing and much more. I have been blogging since 2004, however, I have been blogging on Courageous Christian Father since 2012. I enjoy listening to Christian Music. I am married with 1 daughter, 2 step-sons and a step daughter.
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