8 Ways To Entertain Your Children During A Quarantine

8 Ways To Entertain Your Children During A Quarantine – Here are some ways that you can help keep your children entertained during a quarantine or just in general.

8 Ways To Entertain Your Children During A Quarantine - Here are some ways that you can help keep your children entertained during a quarantine or just in general.

8 Ways To Entertain Your Children During A Quarantine

  1. Schedule screen time
  2. Go for walks
  3. Have a reading hour
  4. Make art with them
  5. Write a story with them
  6. Have a movie night
  7. Bake with them
  8. Play board games

What are other ways you can entertain your children during a quarantine?

Feel free to share those ideas in the comments below.

Graphic & info compliments Adobe Spark. Just one of the graphic apps I now use on this blog.

About the Author

Author: Steve Patterson

A Christian Blogger that enjoys blogging about the Bible, Theology, God, Jesus Christ, Christian Music, Family, Cats, Odd Holidays, sewing and much more. I have been blogging since 2004, however, I have been blogging on Courageous Christian Father since 2012. I enjoy listening to Christian Music. I am married with 1 daughter, 2 step-sons and a step daughter.

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