Day 25
I am thankful for the computer. Without the computer, we wouldn’t have internet and the capability of reaching the lost that way. With out the computer, I couldn’t bring you Courageous Christian Father or even other ministries bring you their ministries like we do today. I choose to use the computer to benefit the Kingdom. What are you using it for? I also do graphic design and I use that gift to to help other ministries with graphic design needs, even my church.
November is the month we celebrate Thanksgiving and what we are thankful for. We should thank God for all He has done for us daily not just one month if the year or even one day of the year, but daily and multiple times each day. Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). We ought to give thanks when we pray.
I figured I would share mine on my blog. Most people are sharing theirs on Facebook, Twitter or other forms of social media. By me sharing mine on my blog, it will also be shared on my social media as well. So share your thankful stories to other people and what God has done for you, but also remember to thank God for all he has provided, delivered and much more.
What are you thankful for? Please share with your comments below.