Sentiments that the colors of roses are meant to convey. Roses are a popular gift on Valentine's Day. When accompanied by a box of chocolates, a bouquet of long-stemmed roses is sure to make a sweetheart smile on February 14.
Posted in Christian

Sentiments that the colors of roses are meant to convey

Roses are a popular gift on Valentine’s Day. When accompanied by a box of chocolates, a bouquet of long-stemmed roses…

Chex Mix Recipe
Posted in Food Holidays

Chex Mix Recipe

Here is a simple recipe for making homemade Chex Mix. #ChexMix This makes a great snack!

National Shine A Light on Slavery Day - Slavery is real. Show the world you're in it to end it everywhere you go. Get ready. #EndItMovement
Posted in Holidays

National Shine A Light on Slavery Day

National Shine A Light on Slavery Day – Slavery is real. Show the world you’re in it to end it everywhere you go. Get ready. #EndItMovement

Posted in Cleft palate Moon Two Colored Eyes

Meet Moon

Meet noon adopted by a young boy who was bullied for having two different colored eyes and a cleft palate. Guess what? Moon has the same rate condition having two different colored eyes and a cleft palate.

Posted in Adoption Cats

Cat Bowl

Instead of the Super Bowl these special needs and senior cats are at the Cat Bowl in hopes to get adopted.

Posted in Bible Christian

When you neglect fellowship you neglect to get your sword sharpened

When you neglect fellowship you neglect to get your sword sharpened. Sword sharpening is very important in the life of a follower of Christ.

Exploring the connection between the heart and love
Posted in Christian Heart Holidays Love

Exploring the connection between the heart and love

Hearts and Valentine’s Day are forever intertwined. One of the most recognizable symbols of love is the modest heart, and…

Time doesn't heal! Jesus heals! The amount of time it takes us to heal was the amount of time God allowed us to heal. It is all about His time, not our time!
Posted in Christian Healing Health & Fitness Jesus Christ

Time doesn’t heal … Jesus heals!

Time doesn’t heal! Jesus heals! The amount of time it takes us to heal was the amount of time God allowed us to heal. It is all about His time, not our time!

Change Your Password Day - a day set aside to remind us of the importance of changing our passwords.
Posted in Christian

Change Your Password Day

Change Your Password Day – a day set aside to remind us of the importance of changing our passwords.