10 Things You May Not Know About Me. I share and discuss some ten (10) things you may not know about me. Some might know these things, but others won’t.
1. Original Name was was Stephen
My mom wanted to originally name me Stephen pronounced (Stefan), but knew people would mispronounce it. So she just named me Steven instead.

2. Bicentennial Baby
Yes, I am a bicentennial baby. I was born in 1976. That just means my birthday year was 200 years since the United States became a nation. I even have a certificate stating that I am a Bicentennial Baby.
3. Collected Business Cards
I did collect business cards at one time having 100,000 business cards in my collection. However, I gave it up a few years back, as I felt it pulling me away from God. I even had famous people business cards, one of them is Donald Trump. I actually have two of his, one is autographed.
4. Wanted to go into the military, but didn’t.
I talked to a Marine recruiter and wanted to join the Marine Corp. The USMC recruiter asked if I had any recent medical concerns. I slipped up and stated I had kidney stones. He wrote it down and told me, “Sorry son, you cannot enlist into the Marine Corp.” The Air Force was hounding me to enlist. I went to talk to the recruiter for the Air Force and he came back and asked me why the Marine Corp. flagged me. I told him, “They flagged me on passing kidney stones!” That recruiter told me I couldn’t enlist in the Air Force either.
5. I have NF
NF is short for Neurofibromatosis, a genetic disorders that affects almost every organ system, causing tumors to grow on nerves in the brain and throughout the body. I have Type 1, which means it shows on the outer part of the body. NF has also been called von Recklinghausen disease. I have recently started to grow tumors on my skin, mostly around my wrist. Plus, I do also have tons of birthmarks, which is also associated with NF. I have enough big birthmarks, a marker for tumors to grow. Birthmarks are also known as cafe au lait spots. These are light brown spots, called Milk and Cream spots.
6. Slight Learning Disability
Diagnosed with a slight learning disability when I was a teenager. Mine is a form of reading comprehension. It is most likely linked to me having NF, mentioned above. The University of Tennessee tested me.
7. Only Male Baby Born
When I was born, I was the only male baby born. My mom would tell me that all the time. I worked at Kroger near the University of Tennessee strip and I carded this girl. She had the same exact birthday me. The month, day and year. I replied that is my exact birthday. She asked me where I was born and I told her the University of Tennessee. Her reply was, she was too. She told me her mom told her that there was only one boy baby in the nursery there. She finally got to meet someone she was born near.
8. Slightly Ambidextrous
I can use both my right and left hands. I am primary right handed. However, I can eat with both my left and right hand. Plus, I can write with both hands too. My left hand writing is not as legible as my right hand writing.
9. I Eat Fried Chicken is differently
My all time favorite fried chicken is from Bojangle’s. I take the skin and breading off the chicken. Then, I will eat the chicken meat. During that time, I will eat my sides like mashed potatoes with extra gravy or dirty rice. Once I am done eating everything, I will eat the skin and breading last. I think Bojangele’s has the best because it has a good kick to it.
10. I have a half sister
I do have a younger half sister. My half sister is on my fathers side. She is a good bit younger than I am. I don’t think she knew she had half siblings until my papaws funeral. Still, that was in 1998, I don’t know she she still knows or believes. She was a young baby when I last saw her.
Check out Dear Younger Me!
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Interesting post. Thanks.