Hosea's wife, Gomer, a harlot, who God told him to marry, wanted to go back her to own ways she tried and realized her wrongs. She came back and had to be put up for auction. No one wanted her, she almost went for half price. However, Hosea went and bought her back full price, maybe more, he said you are now twice mine. Likewise we are bought with a price by Jesus Christ. We belong to Him because are twice His.
Posted in Men of the Bible Women of the Bible

Hosea’s wife, Gomer

Hoseas wife, Gomer, a harlot, who God told him to marry, she wanted to go back her to own ways she tried and realized her wrongs. She came back and had to be put up for auction.

Stop Saying I Gave My Heart to Jesus
Posted in Bible God Jesus Christ Romans

Stop Saying I Gave My Heart to Jesus 

Christians should stop saying I gave my heart to Jesus, we are told to give more, our whole bodies as a living Living Sacrifice, deny ourselves and take up our cross because we were bought with a price and we are not our own.